"…The most outstanding performance was given by the soprano Loré Lixenberg in Cageʼs Aria. Lixenberg is not just a good singer, she is a deeply theatrical performer, who constantly transgressed the boundaries of musical performance, inspired by Cage, with ease and astonishing results. It brought back the excitement of the convention breaking
inventiveness of Cage. Lixenberg has energy, wit and highly accomplished vocal abilities, which made her live performance a rare event…
S & H Concert review
"The Royal Danish Opera couldn't have done better than casting the extraordinary
Lore Lixenberg in the title role ..... an utterly committed actor-singer who dares to explore the inner core of her complex character.".
Opera Now
"Lixenberg's powerful mezzo-soprano cuts through the theatre space with fiery intensity,
heightening the sexual fervour that grips the stage"..
The List
"..the sassiest, funniest and riskiest stage presence around"..
Independent on Sunday
"Lixenbergs' rich powerful voice has an almost bewildering range of colours and a breathtaking upper register…,
Loré Lixenberg studied composition with Woolrich, Vores and Saxton, also masterclasses with Peter Maxwell Davies.Having gone on to study singing with Powell, Mason, Isepp and Vishnevskaya she went on to apply bel canto singing to physical theatre, comedy and free improv, working with Simon Munnery, Richard Thomas, Stewart Lee, Complicite & Simon Mcburney . She has since performed internationally on concert platforms and galleries, opera houses, in operas and in new installations and vocal performances with experimental visual and sound artists like Stelarc, Bruce Mclean, ORLAN and David Toop.Performed the works of composers such as Aperghis, Burrell, Beat, Howard, Baukholt, Sörensen, Oehring, Osborn, Turnage,Ligeti,Stockhausen,Furrer, Birtwistle, Earle Brown, Ferrari, Barry, Oliveros, Acquaviva, Niblock, Dufour, Fujikura, Hind, Rønsholdt, Johnson, Power among others, performing with many ensembles in contemporary music festivals worldwide premiering hundreds of new works. She has made numerous experimental opera series for BBC2 and Channel 4 such as ‘The Kombat Operas’ and ‘Attention Scum’, and Strings Bows and Bellows. She has performed many classics of the contemporary repertoire such as the first complete recording on CD of John Cage’s ‘Songbooks’ for Sub Rosa with Greg Rose and Rob Worby. As director, she directed works by Kagel, Sciarrino, Berio and Wishart (most recently directing/curating Nam June Paik ’Symphony for 20 Rooms with Scenatet at Den Frie in Copenhagen, the Scandinavian birthplace of fluxus) performer of her own works in pieces such as ‘BIRD’ or her series of “Singterviews' (PANIC ROOM - THE SINGTERVIEWS)”.Also her real-time political opera installation 'PRET A CHANTER'. She published an artist book ‘Memory Maps’, monographic CD ‘The afternoon of a phone’ (£@B) and the real time opera 'SINGLR' that takes the form of an app. She started THE VOICE PARTY standing in British election of 2019, music rules. She Runs Berlin based art space La Plaque Tournante with composer Frederic Acquaviva , a space devoted to exhibitions, installations and performances of avant garde. Her vinyl release NANCARROWKARAOKE, a record of Nancarrow piano rolls she transcribed for her own voice multitracked, , will be November 2020 on the De Player label.